Friday, October 18, 2019

Professionalism and ethics learning portfolio Essay - 1

Professionalism and ethics learning portfolio - Essay Example l issues in the legal profession: â€Å"First, do no harm.† In applying this adage to the legal profession, analysts point out that, in recent years, many lawyers have forgotten about their commitment to justice and the rule of law. At times that goes against the very tenets of legal success. While humility and sacrifice is valued in the medical field, it can be a career killer in legal circles. Maybe instead we could slip in â€Å"First do much harm† instead. That is not to say that all legal professionals are arrogant and self-serving, but legal practice often rewards these qualities nonetheless. Generally speaking, law is now guided by an established philosophical school: ethical egoism; that is, doing what is best for oneself is what is best for the world. Some practitioners and interest groups point out that there may be a need for a Hippocratic Oath for law graduates in order to ensure that illegal and unethical practices in the legal profession would be avoided. An analysis by Evans (n.d) reveals that implementing a Hippocratic Oath for lawyers may work well for the legal profession; however, it may also just remain an empty symbol because in essence, the legal profession is very much different from the medical practice. The medical profession, from the very beginning, incorporates and emphasizes among their students the importance of ‘first, doing no harm.’ Among law students and new lawyers however, the message is not transmitted and emphasized enough. Evans (n.d) also points out that the legal practice is filled with activities which circumvent the laws; these practices also often skate the thin line between the ethical and unethical. And yet, most lawyers are aware of this practice among their colleagues and given the same opportunity, would use such strategies too. With this premise in the legal practice, Evans (n.d) once again points out how, in the legal practice, â€Å"honesty is all very well, but how does honesty allow tax avoidance, but not

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